If some of you see links on this page (usually double underlined ones) which take you to advertisements - rather than to other blogs or different parts of this blog which I have set up - please don't think they have anything to do with me - somehow they appear without me knowing why and they are nothing to do with me. Sorry!



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Thursday 17 March 2011

Hello to my lovely followers

It's lovely to see I have some followers! Some of you I already know and others I hope I will get to know soon - thank you for your interest in my little blog. It's very exciting to see my blog growing and to learn how to add all the different elements. etc.

I must thank Judi for inspiring me to get going in blogland and her help with some of my problems and Kathleen at Crafty Bloggers for all the help her blog has given me too.

I have been so busy playing with the blog that I haven't done any crafting so I think I had better try to put that right soon. Hope you are all having a good day.


Chris said...

Hi Yvonne thank you for visiting my blog, I have days where I play with my blog and before you know it you have no time like you say to craft. Your blog is looking great.
Chris xx

Yvonne said...

Thanks so much Chris

Judi said...

Bless you for the mention - always here to help as I know you are for me!


Judi xx