If some of you see links on this page (usually double underlined ones) which take you to advertisements - rather than to other blogs or different parts of this blog which I have set up - please don't think they have anything to do with me - somehow they appear without me knowing why and they are nothing to do with me. Sorry!



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Saturday 28 January 2012

Done it!

I have finally managed to upload a new page for when I can  get into my craft room and find all the things I have planned to sell. I hope that when I  do there will be some of you who are interested in my wares!

I have had to re-arrange my blog a bit so that I could  set up a new page that everyone could see easily.

Hope everyone has had a good day - see you all soon.

1 comment:

Judi said...

Waiting with bated breath, lol.

Judi xx